Welcome to the 10TH EDITION of the November Conference! Bringing Norwegian and Brazilian researchers and professionals together, the conference is the most important arena for developing joint research and innovation.
Bringing researchers and professionals together, the conference is the most important arena for developing joint Norwegian - Brazilian research and innovation.
The crosscutting theme for the 2023 conference is Energy Transition, crucial to solving the pressing challenges of sustainable development, reliable, low-carbon energy and the industrial move from fossil fuels.
A mix of plenary and parallel sessions will approach the energy transition from many angles. We will also have a session on research funding opportunities and matchmaking.
Please see the full programme and practical information under attachments for further details.
Representatives from research institutes, universities, businesses, funding agencies, governmental bodies and other institutions involved in the energy transition.
To participate in a matchmaking session aiming at a specific FINEP – Research Council Norway call on energy, to be published before the conference.
Welcome! #NovConf23