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Team Norway programme at COP28

The annual UN Climate Change Conference offers a unique opportunity to showcase and discuss innovative solutions to accelerate the green transition. Here you’ll find the programme for the Norwegian business delegation, which includes exciting firesides, talks, and events.
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Upcoming events

Daily programme

The Norwegian business delegation to COP 28 in Dubai will showcase climate change solutions from Norway, positioning us as a pioneer and trusted partner in greentech and sustainability.

Read more about the the events, talks, and discussions being facilitated by our partners during COP 28.

See full programme here

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Open call for events on the business pavilion

The Norway business pavilion at COP28 invites NGOs, academic institutions and public sector to propose keynotes, panel or round table discussions and other event ideas to be hosted at the pavilion during COP28.
Read more

Podcast: What is COP?

Would you like a quick introduction to what happens at a COP? Our business delegation partner UN Global Compact has spoken to Steffen Kallbekken in Cicero about just that. Tune in to their podcast \"COP - Briefly explained\" (Norwegian)

How can Norwegian businesses contribute to COP28?

Norwegian businesses from a wide range of sectors have innovative and sustainable solutions that can contribute to the green transition. On COP28 we are looking forward to discussing the role of private sector, showcase solutions for the future and be an active contributor to a greener future. Amongst the topics we will discuss, are: