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30 November-12 December 2023

Norwegian business delegation at COP 28

The Norwegian business delegation will showcase climate change solutions from Norway, positioning us as a pioneer and trusted business partner in greentech and sustainability.

Ocean waves at Herøy

What is COP?

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the supreme decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). All States that are members of the UNFCCC (currently 199) are represented at the COP, and a key task is to review progress made by members to limit climate change. This year’s COP is expected to host over 70,000 delegates including Heads of State and world leaders to build consensus and facilitate progress on climate action. COP conferences thus play a crucial role in raising awareness, fostering international cooperation and driving efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Logo partners COP

Norwegian business delegation partners

Norway is committed to realising the green transition through collaboration and continuous innovation of green and sustainable solutions.

We are proud to present our partners in the Norwegian business delegation to COP28 and we are reaching out to join forces to limit global warming and climate change, as we are stronger together.