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SEID provides environment-friendly air pollution reduction technology

Published 22 Mar 2023 (updated 7 Nov 2024) · 3 min read

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  • Available
  • Industrial production

At a glance

  • Air pollution control system effectively removes pollutants and odours from industrial sources
  • Energy-efficient non-thermal plasma technology
  • Advanced switch-mode power supply for industrial applications

SEID’s environmental technologies provide cost-efficient removal of pollutants and odours from industrial sources with minimal energy consumption.


Left untreated, emissions from industrial processes contain various pollutants that pose a significant nuisance as well as risks to human health and quality of life. Air pollution is a global health issue, as the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 7 million deaths are caused by air pollution every year.

These industrial processes are, at the same time, a major source of CO₂ emissions. To mitigate these problems, industrial facilities install physical filters or chemical treatment systems to remove or eliminate harmful compounds.


Highly efficient pollution treatment with non-thermal plasma systems

SEID’s ModuPlasma™ solution removes pollutants and breaks down volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in industrial emissions. It can be installed in a wide range of industrial processing and manufacturing facilities.

During the treatment process, the polluted airstream is led through a powerful non-thermal plasma reaction chamber – the non-thermal plasma zone – and subjected to kinetic energy, creating ozone and active oxygen radicals. The process also reduces and breaks down a wide range of chemical compounds.

ModuPlasma™ does not require added filters, and treats the polluted air directly, as opposed to other solutions in which ozone and radicals are injected into the airstream.

The ModuPlasma™ solution is modular and has no upper limit in terms of volume. Depending on the emission to be treated, a single module can handle up to 60 000 m³ per hour, making it suitable for both small and large-scale industrial operations.

ModuPlasma™ is powered by ModuPower® – a high-voltage switch-mode power supply which can also be used to power large-scale electrostatic filters in power plants, cement factories and other facilities using combustion-based processes.

Pollution treatment with non-thermal plasma systems
Seid AS


Concrete benefits

Industrial processes need massive fan capacity to get large air volumes through filters, scrubbers and similar air pollution control equipment. The low-pressure drop or resistance of ModuPlasma™ gives direct energy savings and thus much lower CO₂ emissions.

ModuPlasma™ needs no additives, chemicals or filters of any kind.

The only waste generated from the process comes from the built-in water washing system and is easy to handle.

ModuPlasma™ has low maintenance and operating costs compared to other alternatives currently used in the industry.

Pollution treatment with non-thermal plasma systems
Seid AS


Market potential

The global VOC and odour removal market was estimated at USD 5.1 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow to USD 7.6 billion by 2027. Meanwhile, the value of the industrial air filtration market was estimated at USD 10.4 billion in 2019.

Established in 1997, SEID has delivered over 2 500 air treatment modules to customers in 34 countries.

Pollution treatment with non-thermal plasma systems
Seid AS

Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

Terje Hauan

Chief Technology Officer

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