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SediCon enables environment-friendly sediment removal from desanders

Published 22 Mar 2023 (updated 7 Nov 2024) · 2 min read

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  • Available
  • Clean energy HydropowerSolar energy

At a glance

  • Effectively removes a wide range of sediments from desanders
  • Uninterrupted power production while dredge is in operation
  • Users have full control of discharge

The SediCon Desander Dredge is a gravity-powered hydrosuction system for removing sediment from desanders or other small structures. Highly effective, it can help to extend the life cycle of hydropower plants.


Hydropower is the largest source of renewable energy in the world, accounting for roughly 16 per cent of the world’s power supply, and capacity is expected to grow. One of the major challenges facing hydropower is reservoir sedimentation, which reduces storage volume, energy output and discharge capacity, while increasing wear and tear on equipment and load on the dam.

There are several methods of sedimentation management, including desander basins. These minimise wear and tear on the turbines by reducing water velocity and helping the sediment particles to settle. However, when the gathered sediment is discharged below the dam, power can be lost due to the high level of flushing water consumption. Moreover, when flushing, dam operators do not always have full control of the sediment discharge, which can give rise to environmental challenges.


Gravity-powered hydrosuction sediment-removal system for desanders

The SediCon Desander Dredge is a gravity-powered hydrosuction sediment-removal system that uses the available water head between the desander and the outlet of the discharge pipe for dredging out water and sediment. The patented suction head ensures high removal capacity and low water consumption. The dredge can be fully automated with a winch system or travelling crane.

Using an efficient jetting and unrestricted flow system, the SediCon Desander Dredge handles a wide range of sediments, from cohesive clay and organic material to sand and stones.


Concrete benefits

The SediCon Desander Dredge is easy to operate and has low investment and operating costs. Maintenance costs are minimal due to few moving parts.

Because gravity is the driving force for the hydrosuction system, the dredge is virtually emission free. Users have full user control of when and where sediments are discharged, maintaining a natural sediment balance in the downstream river.

The SediCon Desander Dredge can be quickly adapted for new or existing desanders and can be installed and operated without interfering with normal desander operations. Power production can be maintained while the dredge is operating, as the water level and water quality are not affected.


Market potential

Hydropower produced from reservoirs is the only renewable power source that can balance and support new renewables such as wind and solar.

Global power demand is projected to increase by 60 per cent by 2040. Overall hydropower capacity is expected to increase by 125 GW by 2023. Rough estimates indicate that there is 10 000 TWh/year of available unutilised hydropower potential worldwide.

Established in 1999, SediCon has designed and installed its patented solutions for sedimentation management in 20 countries. The company also offers the SediCon Dredge, SediCon Sluicer and SediCon Gravel Excluder.

Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

Affordable and clean energy
7. Affordable and clean energyThe SediCon Desander Dredge can help to extend the life cycle of hydropower plants.

Tom Jacobsen

Technical director

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