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Fonn reduces construction mistakes and material overconsumption

Published 21 Mar 2023 (updated 29 Apr 2024) · 2 min read

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  • Communication, documentation and information all in one tool
  • Access to drawings and plans on smartphones, tablets and computers
  • Cuts material use and overall construction costs

The Fonn Construction site management tool provides all building project participants with easy access to up-to-date information. This improves communication, helping to avoid delays, mistakes and unnecessary resource use.

Although construction is one of the largest industries in the world, it has a productivity problem. Employing as much as 7 per cent of the world’s working-age population, less than 25 per cent of the firms in the construction industry match the productivity growth of the overall economy.

This is due in good part to poor communication and project information, leading to long delays and extensive mistakes. In the US in 2018 alone, an estimated USD 13.2 billion was spent on rework due to mistakes resulting from inadequate data and information.

This, in turn, leads to overconsumption of building materials at an enormous scale, with negative environmental impacts from the production, transport and disposal of these materials.

Comprehensive construction site management tool

Fonn Construction is a user-friendly site management tool for the construction industry, making it possible for all participants in a building project to access and share up-to-date information in an easy and reliable manner.

The solution consists of both a web app for the office and a mobile app for the field. This gives all contributors access to drawings and plans on smartphones, tablets and computers. The solution also offers support for BIM models.

Participants can communicate directly either by phone or instant messaging to avoid misunderstandings and long lines of communication. All communication is stored for liability protection.

Concrete benefits

By providing ready access to up-to-date information, the Fonn Construction tool helps to reduce the number of building mistakes, which in turn reduces the amount of materials used. In addition to the positive effects this has on the environment, Fonn estimates that total construction costs can be cut by around 18 per cent per project based on its own numbers. McKinsey concludes the same in its 2017 report Reinventing Construction.

Moreover, because information flows through digital channels, the solution significantly reduces the need for transport to and from the construction site for project managers and contractors.

Market potential

Globally, USD 10 trillion is spent on construction-related goods and services every year. If construction productivity were to catch up with the total economy, an additional USD 1.6 trillion could be created. This would meets half of the world’s annual infrastructure needs or boost global GDP by 2 per cent, according to the above report from McKinsey.

Fonn Construction is used by construction companies around the world, and has a 50 per cent market share in Norway.

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Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

Jan Tore Grindheim

CEO and Founder

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