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Fjell Technology Group converts fish cuttings into nutritional supplements

Published 22 Nov 2022 (updated 31 Oct 2024) · 2 min read

Quick information

  • Available
  • Aquaculture and fisheries

At a glance

  • Technology for extracting protein and nutrients from marine biomass
  • Turns a waste problem into a revenue stream
  • Reduces the need for waste transport

Fjell Technology Group makes feed and nutritional supplements by extracting valuable proteins from fish heads and guts. The solution turns waste into a useful product and contributes to a circular economy.


Fish entrails and trimmings are a substantial by-product from gutting, cleaning and filleting fish. In 2017, Norway alone produced more than 400 000 metric tons of such residual raw material, from 1.4 million tons salmon and trout. Fortunately, the country utilises over 90 per cent of the residual material, thanks to solutions such as the ones from Fjell Technology Group.


Recycling residual raw material

Fjell Technology provides several types of equipment for processing residual raw material. The company’s technology extracts proteins and other nutrients from fish remnants. The extractions, in turn, are used to make fishmeal from human grade quality to animal feed, and fish oils for Omega-3 supplements.

Deploying such technology for making use of all parts of the fish means that fish processing plants significantly reduce their levels of waste.

In addition to working with the fish processing industry, Fjell Technology also delivers technology to recycle sludge from aquaculture and municipal waste plants.


Concrete benefits

Fjell Technology Group turns a waste problem into an additional revenue stream for fish processing plants. In addition to reducing the need for on-site waste management, the solution also indirectly cuts greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the need for waste transport.


Market potential

The global fishmeal market is estimated to be worth USD 10 billion by 2027, while the market for fish oil is expected to reach over USD 5 billion by 2026. Additionally, handling residual raw material is becoming an increasingly important part of the push towards a circular economy across all sectors.

Fjell Technology Group (FTG) was established by Stord Bartz in 1980 as a local supplier of equipment for fishmeal plants, rendering plants, and alcohol by-product plants. In 2000, when Stord was split, FTG took over production with improved technology for fishmeal plants, including a new patented dryer design, which is still the market leader. FTG has delivered its biowaste handling equipment worldwide, including to Iceland, Japan, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Get in touch

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further information.



Idrettsveien 103, 5353 STRAUME, Norway

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