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HoegTemp heat pump combines ultra-high temps with low carbon emissions

Published 20 Mar 2023 (updated 29 Oct 2024) · 3 min read
Industrial process machines

Quick information

  • Under development
  • Clean energy

At a glance

  • All-electric, ultra-high temperature heat pump for industry
  • Recycles waste heat and uses non-toxic helium
  • Reduces CO₂ emissions, energy use and operating costs

Enerin’s HoegTemp heat pump generates ultra-high temperature industrial process heat in an eco-friendly manner. “The most exciting thing about the HoegTemp heat pump is its potential to save 300 billion kilowatt hours on industrial heat in Europe alone,” says Arne Høeg, Project Manager and Partner at Enerin.


Heavy industry produces roughly 22 per cent of global CO₂ emissions. Of these, about 40 per cent is the direct result of process heat production, almost entirely from the combustion of fossil fuels.

Greenhouse gas emissions from industrial combustion are greater than global emissions from cars (roughly 6 per cent) and from all transportation sectors combined (about 14 to 15 per cent). As a result, new technologies are urgently needed to reduce the environmental impact of industrial process heat.


All-electric HoegTemp heat pump recycles secondary waste heat

HoegTemp is an all-electric, high-efficiency heat pump that generates temperatures up to 250 °C. Generating these kind of temperatures at a high efficiency with low energy consumption is a breakthrough. High temperature is crucial for industries such as food, chemicals and petrochemicals, and pulp and paper. Until recently, such high temperatures could only be produced with fossil fuels or electric boilers.

“Our technology will help to drastically reduce industry’s carbon footprint while lowering operating costs at the same time,” says Høeg.

Moreover, the HoegTemp heat pump recycles secondary waste heat, reducing a plant’s overall energy consumption by 50 to 70 per cent. “Since such a large share of CO₂ emissions come from industrial activity, we’re pleased we can make a difference by reusing those emissions,” he says.

Digital image of industrial pump


HoegTemp heat pump relies on non-toxic helium

HoegTemp’s working medium is helium, an inert non-toxic gas that does not deplete the ozone layer or contribute to global warming. “We are committed to using eco-friendly, all-natural, chemical-free solutions in everything we do,” says Høeg.

Thanks to its environmental profile, the HoegTemp heat pump has already caught the attention of industrial actors. Pelagia, a Norwegian processor of fish products, wants to stop using oil and gas-powered steam boilers to make its operations more efficient and sustainable.

“The HoegTemp shows promise as a reliable, energy-efficient heat pump that is able to deliver process heat with as high a temperature as we require,” says Ola Flesland, Product and Process Developer at Pelagia. “If a high-temperature heat pump is operated on electricity from renewable energy sources, we can reduce our carbon footprint from fishmeal and fish oil production to a minimum.”


Competitive price point with long-term savings

European industry uses 500 TWh/year of heat between 100 °C and 200 °C. The HoegTemp heat pump will be able to generate this efficiently at a relatively low cost. The potential savings amount to some USD 17 billion, indicating a huge market potential for Enerin’s patented technology.

The HoegTemp heat pump is under development, but the technology is mature. The first prototypes will be installed in 2022, and the new generation of HoegTemp heat pumps will be commercially available beginning in 2023.

“The HoegTemp heat pump will be one of the most cost-effective new technologies out there,” explains Høeg. “Not only will it have a competitive price point, but it will also create significant long-term savings from less energy consumption and lower operating costs.”

Enerin has more than 100 years of combined R&D experience, and more than 30 000 hours of operating experience with high-temperature heat pumps.

Map of solution
Enerin offers a complete range of energy-efficient products for industrial heat and central heating systems

Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

Arne Høeg

Project Manager and Partner

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