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Delitek waste handling equipment keeps the oceans clean

Published 24 Mar 2023 (updated 13 Aug 2024) · 2 min read

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  • Available
  • Green maritime

At a glance

  • Onboard waste handling systems
  • Important means of reducing ocean waste
  • Robust equipment made in Norway

Plastic waste is filling up the oceans – but Delitek gives ships the tools they need to manage waste.


A plastic bag was recently found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, highlighting just how far ocean waste has spread.

It was long believed that most ocean waste comes from land. The picture is, however, more complicated than that. In North Norway, for instance, as much as 80 per cent of waste comes from ships and fisheries.


Simple waste handling

To combat waste from the maritime sector, Delitek has created a range of systems for simple waste handling on board ships.

The systems’ main features are mobile containers in which compactors, shredders, crushers and other equipment are easily interchangeable. These compress waste, reduce odour to a minimum and give crew relief from handling waste by hand.

Crucially, Delitek equipment and storage bins take up as little room as possible. Lack of space is an important contributor to waste being dumped overboard.

The company also offers an on-deck containerised waste station for existing vessels that do not have room for an adequate waste handling system inside.


Easy and convenient onboard waste handling provides an incentive for ships to process their own waste and dispose of it on land, instead of releasing it into the ocean.


Awareness of ocean waste is at an all-time high and companies across the world are being urged to address the issue – creating huge opportunities for solutions which make waste management simpler.

For over 20 years Delitek has produced a wide range of compactors, shredders and crushers, which can be used individually or as an integrated system. All the company’s products are manufactured in North Norway.

Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

Bjørn Ivar Larsen

Director Operations

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Anna Eriksens vei 31, 8432 ALSVÅG, Norway

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