For decades, Norway has successfully pioneered offshore solutions in some of the most demanding conditions in the world. In the transition to renewables, Norway is playing a leading role in the burgeoning offshore wind industry, especially floating wind.
Building offshore wind on tremendous strengths
Norway has a competitive edge from over 50 years in designing, installing and operating offshore facilities in extremely rough conditions. Moreover, the country’s topography offers natural advantages when it comes to offshore wind.
An impressive 98% of Norway’s electricity is produced from renewables.
In addition to wind power, Norway has more than 1 500 hydropower plants throughout the country. Norway has half of Europe’s reservoir storage capacity, and more than 75% of Norwegian hydropower production capacity is flexible.
The first production licences for areas on the Norwegian continental shelf were issued in the mid-1960s and production began in earnest in 1971. At the end of 2022, there were 93 fields in production.
During this time, Norwegian companies, from large-scale developers to niche suppliers, have amassed valuable experience in the harshest conditions.
Norway is a world leader in digitalisation and has used digital twins since before the concept had a name. Norwegian companies are reknowned as system integrators as well as suppliers of durable equipment that can stand up to the harshest conditions.
Norway delivers digital solutions for every phase of an offshore wind farm’s life cycle, increasing safety and efficiency, while cutting costs and emissions.
Norwegians have been shipbuilders and seafarers since Viking times. Today, Norway is a world leader in the green maritime segment of the offshore wind industry, designing and building specialised vessels for walk-to-work, construction support, installation and more.
Norway also excels in hybrid vessels for offshore wind.
Norway has many advantages when it comes to assembly and installation ports, including deep waters, sheltered areas and access to large quay fronts that sit on solid rock. In winter there is no ice on the sea along the southern coastline, with low tidal variations and no sand banks.Strong focus on research, innovation and minimising environmental footprint
Advantages beyond expertise and technology
Norway offers more than advanced equipment and world-class services. It is a good place to do business for other reasons, too.
The Norwegian offshore industry is renowned for its excellent health and safety record.
The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (formerly the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway) issues regulations for health, safety and the working environment (HSE), and is drafting new regulations for producing renewable energy at sea.
Norwegian workers are trustworthy and well-educated, with a strong sense of autonomy. Exceptional critical thinking skills enable them to work independently and solve problems. As a result, companies can employ fewer workers in Norway, and many international companies find that labour costs are much lower than they assumed.
Industrial culture is built on trust, cooperation and a flat hierarchy, which also yields outstanding efficiency.
Norway has world-class infrastructure, especially digital infrastructure. The country tops digitalisation rankings in Europe, with nearly 100% Internet and mobile coverage and connectivity. Moreover, Norwegians are early adopters of digital technologies and possess outstanding digital skills.
Norway has strong R&D environments and industrial clusters throughout the country and government policies that support its major industries. Norway understands the value of international partnership and seeks it out.
While not an EU member, Norway is fully integrated into the European single market through the EEA Agreement.
Norway has a high level of political and social stability, consistently ranking among the world’s top countries for resiliency. The economy is strong and diverse as well.
Norway outperforms most other countries on the OECD’s Better Life Index. Along with a high standard of living, Norway offers a good work-life balance, public safety and a clean environment.
Excellent health care and higher education are available to all. Norway is known worldwide as a pioneer in gender equality, and provides generous family leave and universal, low-cost childcare.
Anders Nordberg
Head of national export initiative on offshore wind, Innovation Norway
Norway is home to a complete value chain for offshore wind
Norway has it all when it comes to offshore wind: decades of offshore sector experience, a complete supply chain, and world-class technology and digital solutions. Norwegian innovations across the board prioritise sustainability – from green port infrastructure and hydrogen-powered service vessels to subsea inspection robots and an IoT “seatbelt” for workers.
Development and presurvey
Norway is home to experts in engineering and seabed mapping and is at the forefront of R&D and digitalisation
Balance of plant
Norway has world-class know-how in construction of offshore structures and power distribution, making it an excellent partner for larger and more complex projects involving cables, seabed and stability analyses, and more.
Norway is a leading innovator in marine vessels and all types of equipment for both bottom-fixed and floating offshore wind.
Operation and maintenance
Norway is a leader in digitalisation, using digital twins before the concept even existed. Norway also has world-leading expertise in HSE from decades of offshore experience.
Lifetime extension and decommissioning
Norway has long been at the forefront of lifetime extension thanks to its expertise in system integration and digital systems.