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Why join Team Norway for Expo 2025 Osaka?

Being present at the World Expo in Osaka will give you and your company access to a global audience and key stakeholders within your industry – both in Japan, Asia, and the rest of the world. It is the perfect arena for established companies to maintain their important, long-term business relationships and it’s a unique opportunity for up-and-coming companies to elevate to the next level.

However, being part of the Norwegian team in the Nordic pavilion is about more than just your company. It’s about more than just a single product or solution, and more than one industry. The sum of the pieces that make Team Norway has more impact that the pieces themselves and each success is a win for the team as well as for the individual players.

Our key subject areas

Participants fair NOW

What’s in it for you?

  • The possibility to influence the Norwegian themes, events, and content through the duration of the World Expo, based on your partner level.
  • Strong visibility linked to our Norwegian and Nordic reputation and heritage.
  • Unique access to a strategic network of high-level Japanese customers and stakeholders.
  • Strength in being part of the Norwegian and Nordic national teams.
  • Connecting to and strengthening collaboration with relevant Nordic players and value chains.
  • International and regional networking, not only towards Japan but also other countries in the region.

Partner packages

You have the opportunity to join the Norway pavilion in the scale best suited for your company. We are looking for both industry leaders and up and coming solutions, so don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Events during EXPO 2025:

Theme for World Expo in Osaka 2025

Designing Future Society for Our Lives
With the sub-themes: Empowering Lives, Saving Lives, and Connecting Lives. Norway is together with Denmark, Finland, Iceland og Sweden in a joint Nordic pavilion; the Circle. The Nordic Circle brings together the best of what we have to offer wher we call for the global community to join us in our collective pursuit of progress – stronger together.

Overall theme for the Norwegian events and delegation

Pioneering a sustainable future – together 
Coming together, celebrating achievements, sharing learnings, asking questions and exchanging ideas allows us to build trust and work together to drive meaningful progress and sustainable success worldwide.Join us in a the effort to aim higher than ever before, set our sights on greater goals and create a better future for everyone. Together Towards a Better Future! During the 6 months for the Expo Norway is going to host or be part of important events from the Norway Days, Nordic Life Science and Energy Days. See full list...More information to come