Venue: Bella Center
Center Boulevard 5
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Norway Pavilion: hall C3, stand C3-A70 | C3-B70 | C3-C70 | C3-A60 | C3-B60 | C3-C60 | C3-C52
Tuesday, 8 April: 09:00 – 18:00*
Wednesday, 9 April: 09:00 – 18:00
Thursday, 10 April: 09:00 – 16:00
*official WindEurope opening reception from 18:00 to 20:00.
All exhibitor staff (with their valid staff pass or conference pass) will have access to the exhibition halls from 07:30. Please communicate your stand number to the security before entering the hall.
The pavilion will be ready on Monday, 7 April, around 14:00. Feel free to stop by the pavilion around that time. You can also prepare your stand on Tuesday, 8 April between 08:00 and 09:00.
Exhibitor passes included in the participation fee:
Logo space: 1 free exhibitor staff pass
Regular stand space: 2 free exhibitor staff passes
Large stand space: 3 free exhibitor staff passes
The following are NOT included:
Screens, brochure holders, and other furniture can be ordered from Messetjeneste by contacting Deadline for furniture: 26 February. Screens: 7 March.
All services such as catering, plants, shipping, etc., can be booked through the Exhibitor Zone for the WindEurope Annual Event 2025.
All services such as catering, plants, shipping etc. can be booked through the Exhibitor Zone - WindEurope Annual Event 2025
All co-exhibitors will have to fill in the Health and Safety Declaration form. You`ll find it in the exhibitor zone
For the question about exhibitor type in the H&S form, answer “co-exhibitor.” For the question about stand type, answer “basic package.”
Deadline: 21 February
Public liability insurance
All exhibiting companies with an individual stand space must have a Public Liability Event Insurance that covers up to €1,500,000 current at the time of event. A copy of which will be taken on-site during the event.
Logo-only exhibitors do not need this liability insurance.
We have a great Team Norway programme in Copenhagen, including two business mixers at the pavilion, two receptions at the Marriott Hotel, and several conference sessions at the Norway Pavilion with a silent conference system, similar to WindEnergy Hamburg last year. See full programme here.
You are entitled to the following free tickets to the Team Norway delegation programme:
Logo exhibitors: 1 free ticket.
Regular and large stands: 2 free tickets.
Additional tickets can be bought here.
The discount codes that will give you the 1 or 2 free tickets to the delegation programme was sent to you by e-mail from Veronica Broholm on 27.01.25 and 20.02.25.
Once you complete the registration process for the delegation, you will gain access to the NORWEP web application at NORWEP App ( Please note that this app is web-based and not available on app stores. Through this app, you can sign up for various activities organised by Team Norway. Contact us with your web-app queries (
WiFi: TBC.
The Medical Centre is open throughout the tenancy period of the event. It is in entrance 6 to the venue, in front on the entrance to hall E.
General emergency number: 112
In a medical emergency telephone: +45 32 47 24 20.
You will also see it printed on the back of your badge.
• In case of a medical emergency, you should contact the telephone number shown above or speak to a member of the WindEurope Team / security.
• Identify yourself;
• Give details of the place, nature and importance of the incident.
In case of fire:
• Keep calm do not shout or run. Do not use the lifts (elevators);
• If your clothing catches fire, fall to the ground and roll;
• If there is a lot of smoke, crawl;
• Do not go back to pick up personal belongings;
• Follow the instructions of Bella Center security.
• If you detect any suspicious item: Do not touch it, keep away from it and call the emergency telephone number or contact the WindEurope team / security.
See the stand design at the bottom of the page.
You have received the dimensions of your stand by e-mail from Nathalie, Messetjeneste.
Regular stands: 1488x2480mm
Logo exhibitors: If you haven`t participated at previous Norway Pavilions, please send you logo in vector ai/eps/pdf file as well as a short sentence: 50 characters to by 1 March.
All exhibitors: If you haven`t participated at previous Norway Pavilions, please send your logo in vector ai/eps/pdf file and JPEG/PNG file as well as a short sentence (50 characters) and a high resolution image to by 1 March.
This is for the looping presentation at the big screen and for the logo wall.
For those of you who have ordered screens, USB ports, and HDMI cables will be available. Bring an adapter if you need it. Files should be in MP4 format.
21 February: Fill in the Health and safety declaration form in the exhibitor zone
26 February: Additional furniture orders from Messetjeneste.
27 February: Bella Center service orders.
You will get coffee, tea, water, and soda at the pavilion. Lunch is included in the exhibitor staff pass, so you shouldn’t have to book anything additional from the Bella Center. However, if you need to book anything from the Bella Center, the deadline is 27 February to avoid an additional surcharge.
End of February: You will receive a SoMe kit with marketing material (signature banners, SoMe texts etc.)
1 March: Submit your vectorized logo, 1 short sentence (50 characters) and high resolution image for the looping presentation on the big screen and for the logo wall.
7 March: Submit your graphic design to Messetjeneste. Remember to order a screen if you need it.
7 March: The final delegation programme will be published.
7 March: Submit stand activities notification online form -if you are going to have events at the pavilion.
Please note that Innovation Norway will need to approve your events first, so contact before 7 March if you’re planning to host any events at your stand.
Probably 12 March: Information webinar about the delegation programme and Q&A about the pavilion for exhibitors.
17 March: Registration deadline to purchase additional exhibitor passes if you want to pay by bank transfer/invoice.
After 17 March, you can pay by credit card.
20 March Freight services. More info in the exhibitor manual.
Benefits of publishing a solution on – free of charge:
Project lead: Erik Rindvoll,, +45 271 52 792
Pavilion: Veronica Broholm,, +47 45 45 71 37
Delegation programme: Klaus Udesen;
Jon Dugstad;
Erik Rindvoll
Delegation registration: Nikki Mooki,, +47 905 53 361
Marketing: Damir Dunderovic,, +47 9 777 444 9
Stand construcion: Nathalie Sørensen,
Delegation web app queries:
Discount codes for hotels were sent to you by e-mail from Veronica Broholm on 11.02.25 and 20.02.25
Innovation Norway and Messetjeneste unfortunately cannot assist with the transportation of models or other items for your stand. You are fully responsible for the delivery and return of the goods, as well as the storage of empty boxes, etc.
Shipment sent by courier
If you are planning to use a courier, please do not send it directly to the venue and your stand. If the shipment is sent by courier, it will likely be lost and difficult to trace back. Very often the boxes are dropped at the gates with no clear information about who signed for the shipment. The venue
does not offer a handling service for courier shipment. WindEurope and CEVA cannot be held responsible for the delivery if the shipment is sent by courier without prior arrangement with CEVA. If the shipment is sent directly, the responsibility is solely on the exhibitor.
CEVA services