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Editor’s Choice Chats – Floating offshore wind test centre

In the second of three episodes of on offshore wind, Editor of Business Norway Victoria Coleman sets sail for the Marine Energy Test Centre in the North Sea, home of the world’s first floating wind turbine – Unitech Zephyros-One. Ride along as she presents other projects and shares how AI is used to keep wildlife safe.Published 1 Dec 2023 (updated 29 Apr 2024) · 1 min read
Two women in blue jackets on a wharf

Norway leading the way in testing new floating wind technology

Floating offshore wind continues to grow off the coast of Norway. The Marine Energy Test Centre – known as METCentre – is playing a key role in testing new concepts for power generation and other important technologies.

Read more here:

  • METCentre
  • Spoor
  • Zephyros Ocean Vestland

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